The Swedish model: an alternative to macroeconomic policy

Vol. 36 No. 2 (2016)

Apr-Jun / 2016
Published March 1, 2020

How to Cite

Guedes Viana, Alexandre, and Patrícia Helena F. Cunha. 2016. “The Swedish Model: An Alternative to Macroeconomic Policy”. Brazilian Journal of Political Economy 36 (2):266-85.

The Swedish model: an alternative to macroeconomic policy

Alexandre Guedes Viana
Mestre em Economia Política – PUC/SP
Patrícia Helena F. Cunha
Professora visitante da Universidade Federal do ABC
Brazilian Journal of Political Economy, Vol. 36 No. 2 (2016), Apr-Jun / 2016, Pages 266-285


This paper describes the main details of the Swedish economic model, which began to be structured on the 1930’s and achieved its consolidation on the 1950’s. The Swedish Model is characterized by a macroeconomic policy which provides price stability, fiscal results for ive industrial policies and social active policies, the latter being recognized as a wide universal welfare state. This combination, which contradicts the traditional economic prescriptions, has been successful given the country was agrarian and underdeveloped until the beginning of 20th century and achieved a high social-economic development level on the 1970’s. Afterwards, we present the Swedish experiment as an alternative to macroeconomic management, especially due to its uniqueness.

JEL Classification: E61; J58.

Keywords: Swedish model state macroeconomic policy