The Brazilian market in the XIX century: an approach through the cabotage commerce.

Vol. 32 No. 1 (2012)

Jan-Mar / 2012
Published January 1, 2012
PDF-Portuguese (Português (Brasil))
PDF-Portuguese (Português (Brasil))

How to Cite

Leite Marcondes, Renato. 2012. “The Brazilian Market in the XIX Century: An Approach through the Cabotage Commerce.”. Brazilian Journal of Political Economy 32 (1):142-66.

The Brazilian market in the XIX century: an approach through the cabotage commerce.

Renato Leite Marcondes
Professor da Faculdade de Economia e Administração de Ribeirão Preto, da Universidade de São Paulo.
Brazilian Journal of Political Economy, Vol. 32 No. 1 (2012), Jan-Mar / 2012, Pages 142-166


The maritime commerce consisted of the main way of circulation of the goods between the Brazilian provinces until the second half of century XIX. Although the relatively big importance of the flows of commerce with the exterior, we note significant exchange of goods by sea between the Brazilian regions since the colonial period. A part of these exchanges derived from products destined in last instance to the foreigner or imported of the exterior. However, another part elapsed of national goods that had not arrived at be exported to the international market. Many goods for the colonial and imperial consumption had circulated by the Brazilian coasts in expressive sums. From the information raised for the imperial period, especially the decades of 1860 and 1870, we verify that most of the goods commercialized between the provinces consisted of national products destined to the internal consumption.

JEL Classification: N76.

Keywords: domestic market cabotage maritime commerce apparent consumption