Are there evidences of deindustrailization in Brazil?

Vol. 28 No. 1 (2008)

Jan-Mar / 2008
Published January 1, 2008
PDF-Portuguese (Português (Brasil))
PDF-Portuguese (Português (Brasil))

How to Cite

Nassif, André. 2008. “Are There Evidences of Deindustrailization in Brazil?”. Brazilian Journal of Political Economy 28 (1):72-96.

Are there evidences of deindustrailization in Brazil?

André Nassif
Economista da Área de Planejamento do BNDES
Brazilian Journal of Political Economy, Vol. 28 No. 1 (2008), Jan-Mar / 2008, Pages 72-96


This paper aims at analyzing the theoretical concept of deindustrialization, and evaluating if Brazil, following the implementation of economic reforms in the 1990´s, has suffered from a “new Dutch disease”. Despite the manufacturing sector declining participation in the Brazilian Gross Domestic Product (GDP), the empirical evidence show that the changes in the economy structure since the mid-1980´s to the end of 2005 should not be described as deindustrialization. Since there was not evidence of either generalized reallocation of resources towards industries based on natural resources, or a pattern of export specialization in goods technologically based on natural resources or even on labor, one cannot conclude that Brazil was infected by a “new Dutch disease”

JEL Classification: 012; 014; 024.

Keywords: deindustrialization Dutch disease productivity international specialization Brazil