The recent rise in the commodities prices

Vol. 27 No. 3 (2007)

Jul-Sep / 2007
Published March 17, 2020
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How to Cite

Prates, Daniela Magalhães. 2007. “The Recent Rise in the Commodities Prices”. Brazilian Journal of Political Economy 27 (3):323-44.

The recent rise in the commodities prices

Daniela Magalhães Prates
Professora-Doutora do Instituto de Economia da Unicamp e pesquisadora do Centro de Conjuntura e Política Econômica deste Instituto (CECON-IE)
Brazilian Journal of Political Economy, Vol. 27 No. 3 (2007), Jul-Sep / 2007, Pages 323-344


This article suggests some explanations for the steady rise of the commodities prices since 2002. Firstly, it analyses the long and medium term trends of these price. Secondly, it explores the determinants of the recent rise which are the macroeconomic conditions of the international economic, the high growth rate of China and supply shocks that affect the production of some agriculture commodities.

JEL Classification: F100; O100; O130.

Keywords: commodities prices term trends developing countries